Amgen’s Otezla (Apremilast) is now Accessible in The US to treat Moderate to Severe Pediatric Plaque Psoriasis
- The company has launched Otezla to treat moderate to severe Plaque Pso patients {Age6-17 or wt. 20kg(44lb)} across the US
- Approval was based on the P-III (SPROUT) study that assessed the efficacy & safety of Otezla (20mg, BID, wt. 20-50 kg; 30mg, bid, at least 50 kg wt.) vs PBO. The Study reached its 1EPs at 16 wks. in Otezla vs PBO (33.1% vs 10.8%). Adverse events were constantly the same as adult patients
- Otezla (oral) specifically inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), which targets cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). US FDA approved Otezla for pediatric in April 2024
Ref: Amgen | Image: Amgen
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